On 26 October, Cuba delivered
Resolution 646 to the UN General Assembly on ‘
The necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba’. For the 19th year running, support for the Cuban case against the blockade was
overwhelming; 187 countries voted in support of the Resolution, with three abstentions and two votes against from the usual suspects, the US and Israel. This year, however, they had no support from any other nation.
Cuba’s Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, delivered a powerful speech in condemnation of the genocidal US blockade. His voice was echoed by the UN Representative for St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Camillo Gonsalves, who highlighted the hypocrisy of US government rhetoric towards Cuba. The US representative used the opportunity to condemn Cuba on ‘human rights’ grounds, to which the Cubans responded ‘We are ready to discuss violations of human rights. We can begin with the concentration camp at Guantanamo.’
How the US is bringing 'freedom' to Cuba. |
The blockade against Cuba, in effect since 1962, has
caused enormous damage to the Cuban economy, with conservative estimates of its direct financial repercussions at over $236.2 billion, alongside the enormous qualitative impact on social life, healthcare and food production.
Murray Andrews, written for RATB.