Source: Granma International.
by Jean-Guy Allard, 03 June 2010.
GEORGE Kiszynski, the FBI agent whom Luis Posada Carriles described as a "very good friend" in his interview with The New York Times, investigated the 1997 series of bombings in Havana that the national terrorist confessed to having organized, according to an official report by U.S. federal police which was declassified on May 18 this year.
The three-page document has been presented as another piece of evidence to the El Paso court that is to initiate - on a date still to be determined – proceedings against Posada on a number of charges. Dated November 13, 1998, the first two pages of the declassified document report that on June 17 of that year, "an in situ examination of four electronic detonators has been made in Havana, Cuba" and continue with "specifications of the examined items:" four DuPont detonators made in the United States.

The third page – a letter explicitly addressed to the FBI chief in Miami – refers to three samples of the explosives examined, and specifying that the results of the analysis were attached. Just before the final paragraph, comes the enigmatic and handwritten appearance of the surname Kiszynski.
This is a clear indication that, in one way or another, FBI agent George Kiszynski – whose links to anti-Cuba terrorism date back years – took part in the FBI investigation into the 1997 attacks in Cuba. As is well known, these attacks were planned in El Salvador by Posada, who described Kiszynski as a "very good friend" during an interview with Ann Louise Bardach and Larry Rother, published by The New York Times on July 12 and 13, 1998.
On June 15, 1998, as the direct result of a communiqué to Bill Clinton –.conveyed to the then president in May of that year by Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez at the request of Cuban President Fidel Castro – a FBI delegation arrived in Havana to meet Cuban experts on June 16 and 17, 1998. The three U.S. officials were provided with extensive information on the attacks that had taken place in Cuba the previous year, including 64 pages providing evidence of 31 terrorist plots and attacks on Cuba between 1990 and 1998, under the direction of the Cuban-American National Foundation (CANF) in Miami.
The evidence handed over included examples of explosives used to make some of the devices that had been deactivated. The FBI agents promised to inform the Cuban side of the results of their analysis of the materials presented to them as soon as possible. They never did so.
A few weeks after the U.S. investigators’ visit to Cuba, Héctor Pesquera – Miami’s FBI chief at the time – not only failed to mount an investigation into the criminals exposed in Havana, but also – at the petition of the Mafioso capos, including Congressman Lincoln Díaz-Balart, who was kept constantly informed – ordered the arrest of Cubans infiltrated into the ranks of terrorist organizations.
On June 18, when the visiting FBI agents returned from Havana, Posada was on the Dutch island of Aruba, calmly granting The New York Times the interview in which he boasted – "proudly" – of having organized the terrorist campaign in Cuba, and even spoke openly about his CANF sponsors.
It was precisely in this interview that the international terrorist identified FBI Special Agent George Kiszynski as a "very good friend," whom he had known for some time.
The known history of the complicity between agent Kiszynski and the Cuban-American mafia begins in 1979 when Detectives Sergio Pinion and Ozzie Austin informed him of the terrorist plot linked to Orlando Bosch’s Coordinación de Organizaciones Revolucionarias (CORU) to sabotage an aircraft on the Miami-Havana flight route. Miami police investigators then asked their colleague Kiszynski for his help in counteracting the plot.
Kiszynski immediately met with the indicated suspects, on the pretext of interrogating them and, on his way out of the meeting, conveniently "forgot" his briefcase. On the basis of information from a collaborator infiltrated inside CORU, Pinion and Austin reported Kiszynski to their superiors, who carried out an investigation, whose unknown results were quickly shelved.
Shortly before the Iran-Contras scandal broke, Kiszynski passed on an ultra-secret FBI report to Colonel Oliver North, a central player in the plot in the service of George Bush Sr. The report provided detailed information on every aspect of a Miami Police Department investigation into the Contras and drug trafficking, an illegal exercise in which CIA agent Luis Posada Carriles had an active role.
On February 7, 1992, the very same Kiszynski – appointed by the FBI to comply with a Congress order to assist the General Accounting Office that was investigating the Iran-Contra affair – interviewed Luis Posada Carriles for several hours at the U.S. embassy in Honduras, where the terrorist was located at the time.
The (pleasant) conversation between Kiszynski and the terrorist took place without it ever occurring to the former to arrest the latter. Posada was thus able to continue with his assassination attempts, with the confirmation of U.S. sympathy for his activities. And he proceeded to do so, in Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Panama.
But there are other astonishing anecdotes regarding this very special agent. In 1997, Guatemalan agent Antonio "Tony" Jorge Alvarez was the manager of the WRB Enterprises branch in Guatemala where Posada Carriles was working. At that point, the terrorist was organizing the campaign of attacks on hotels in Cuba and plotting an attack on Cuban President Fidel Castro which he anticipated perpetrating at an Ibero-American Summit on Margarita Island, Venezuela.
Alvarez – currently a resident of Greenville, South Carolina – informed the FBI of these conspiracies. He said that Posada and his accomplices had bought detonators – the ones that turned up in Havana – in order to fabricate explosive devices, and that he had seen them in possession of plastic explosives. According to comments from Alvarez at the time and which were published by The New York Times, the FBI acted with "surprising indifference." The newspaper confirmed that an FBI agent - George Kiszynski – contacted Alvarez from Miami.
"He (the agent) told me that my life was in danger; that these were very dangerous people and that I should leave Guatemala. I never heard anything more about them," Alvarez told the daily. The New York Times itself had to conclude that if the FBI had interviewed businessman Alvarez at that time, they would have discovered the attacks on Havana that Posada was planning.
But that isn’t all.
Kiszynski reappeared on March 26, 2001 as a witness in the case of the five Cubans accused of "espionage" for having infiltrated terrorist groups in Miami. The defense called him after having been informed by the FBI that he had investigated the presence of two suspicious boats in Miami.
Kiszynski – whose background was ignored at the time – told the court that, in July 1998, he had investigated two boats moored in a Miami marina, owned by an individual who was plotting a terrorist operation against Cuba. Kiszynski affirmed that he organized an operation to search for explosives or weapons but had found nothing. He then questioned the owner of the boats, Enrique Bassas whom he admitted that he already knew.
What Kiszynski did not state is that Bassas was one of the individuals who met with Luis Posada Carriles from July 19 to 21, 1998, at the Holiday Inn in Guatemala City, in order to plan another assassination attempt on the Cuban president, who was scheduled to participate in the Summit of Caribbean Heads of State in Santo Domingo.
Nor did he mention that Bassas knew Posada from the Cuban province of Cienfuegos - where both men were born – when he was a member of the Cuban secret police headed by the notorious terrorist Sixto Reynaldo Aquit Manrique.
The presence of the name KISZYNSKI at the end of the inventory for the explosives samples, drawn up by the FBI after its envoys’ visit to Havana, is further proof of bad faith in the dossier of relations between the U.S. federal police and Cuban-American terrorism. Almost 12 years after the FBI’s experts came to Havana, the terrorists exposed by Cuba – including Posada – are moving freely around Miami, conspiring with impunity and with the complicity of the FBI.
Meanwhile, the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters – who were fulfilling the duty of protecting their homeland – remain incarcerated in five U.S. jails, victims of the odious machinations which, with total cynicism, masquerade as U.S. justice.