Monday 23 May 2011

Campesinos in Aguán assassinated

Campesino in Aguán assassinated by gunmen, one of several murdered in recent days
Source: Honduras Human Rights, 18 May 2011.

Sixto Ramos (45), a member of the campesino cooperative Nueva Suyapa, of the Peasant Movement of Aguán, MCA, was murdered at about eight o’clock on Wednesday, 18 May, shot several times from a passing car, when he was going to his organization.

This is one of several murders in recent days. On May 9, Roney Diaz (34) was killed and Manuel Vasquez was injured when they were violently evicted from the cooperative Despertar, by military and police forces. They were both leaders a peasant organization, Movimiento Auténtico Reivindicador Campesino, MARCA. On May 10, Pablo Lemus , 44, was also shot; he was a partner with the Brisas del Eden company of the Aguan Peasant Movement, MCA.

Another incident is the disappearance of Francisco Lopez Pascual, 38, who has been missing since May 15 when he was herding cows near the Rigores settlement in Aguan. So far his body is missing, even though his friends and relatives have searched for him is several areas.

According to a statement released by FIAN Honduras on May 16, blood, bullet caps and bullet holes on nearby trees were found where he was last seen. However, the police did not follow trail beyond 200 “fathoms” (about 350 meters) because they “did not believe it prudent to continue the search in private property” and advised the farmers to request authorization from the Public Ministry.

Earlier this year in March, an international mission with Cofadeh, Fian-Honduras and the Center for Women’s Rights, visited the area and documented serious human rights violations.

SOURCE: Desde vehículo asesinan otro campesino en el Aguán (Defensores en línea)